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Board Nomination

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Nomination deadline is March 1, 2019

USITT is seeking nominations for the 2019 Board of Directors election. Nominations will be received for:

  • Six Directors (three year term, July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2023)
  • President Elect (serves one year as President Elect, three years as President, one year as Immediate Past President)
  • Vice-President for Commissions (three year term, July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2023)
  • Vice-President for Conferences (three year term, July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2023)
  • Secretary (three year term, July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2023)

Information for Prospective Board Members


If you have any questions regarding nominations, please contact USITT Secretary, Paul Brunner pbrunner@indiana.edu